¡Sesiones con nuestros #IndianSpirits todas las semanas!


Sessions with our #IndianSpirits every week!

At The Indian Face we are clear that we like people who are afraid of very few things in life, and if they have to fear something, it must be routine.

We are an optics and accessories brand and for this reason, this season we have decided to hold conferences with young people to continue being connected with our environment. With exploring and daring people, who seek to achieve their goals and also, fashion is part of their life.

During the last few weeks, the The Indian Face creative team has connected through different profiles of people from the Community of Madrid (for the moment…) to carry out very special photo sessions that help us improve and grow like the #IndianCrew that we form.

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

Our dear and excellent filmmaker Pedro Villarroel, who has almost ten years of experience in the photography and video sector, has done an exceptional job with all the boys and girls who have come to meet us and have fallen in love, just like us , our products and our brand. Our The Indian Face Crew is made up of people whose life has led them to fall in love with nature and landscaping, so they love new challenges every time they have to face one. A team made up of simple people but full of vitality, whose accessories in life will always prevail for utility and comfort that, at the same time, perfectly reflect their well-defined style and personality.

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

In The Indian Face we have it clear, we want to document all our experiences! That's why every day we update our social networks to show you the latest that our guys from the creative department, our professional athletes, or simply, our Indian Crew are doing! We love to move, not stay still, discover new places and discover new experiences all together.

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

And what has brought us together to be here?

Our passion for unconventional sports, for adrenaline, for fresh air, for reaching all those peaks that we have proposed... Since we started this new project that has brought new faces and fresh air to our team, we have met with bold, courageous, investigative people, who fit perfectly with the philosophy of The Indian Face. It defines how restless we are, wanting more, always investing in everything that helps us go further in our lives. It is for this reason that we photograph our adventures and we want to share them with you, so we will never forget them!

The traces that we are leaving with all the new experiences that come with the new team will be on all our social networks, so you should not miss anything at all! We do not want to pose, we want to show you all these new facets that we are looking for for the great family that we form in The Indian Face.

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

We know that today the epidemiological situation makes it difficult for us to carry out all those adventures that we have in our heads but. Do not worry! Our head never stops and we already have super interesting trips in mind, new challenges and incredible places to see and show you. Because we want to share everything with you. As you know, in The Indian Face we were born to be free #BornToBeFree. It is for this reason that we are going to take advantage of all the opportunities we have to bring out that adventurous side of ourselves and prepare ourselves for all the interesting things we want to do. Our life is in the mountains, on the beach, in the woods, in nature…

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

Do you want to know who we had the pleasure of having this week?

Who better than our professional athletes who are already part of our Indian Crew to take as an example of adventurous people whose free spirit has helped them succeed in many facets of their lives.

On the one hand, we had the pleasure of receiving a very special visit from Santander by Katia Martínez, a professional freerider, snow and surf teacher, and above all, a clear example of a free spirit! ! Katia came to tell us about all her new projects and how excited she was to be able to be in contact with nature again in her trusted place to snowboard, which is the Baqueira Beret resort. The athlete is a clear example of a woman who has not allowed herself to be dwarfed by the great challenges that life has proposed to her and she has shown it to us: she has traveled the world doing double seasons in countries like Chile, New Zealand... And Japan is among their next destinations! Likewise, she has started and created her own training company for upcoming professional snowboarders and surfers who want to enter the world of this water sport. And we're not talking about fashion… Katia tried on our #BornToSurf caps and our latest goggles from our colleagues at Uller Co, and they couldn't have looked better! What do you think? We can't wait to see Katia enjoying and doing all those activities for which we became her fans from the beginning. And as always, we will share them with you…

Photo sessions <tc>The Indian Face</tc>

On the other hand, the Montoya brothers have also stopped by here! We have been collaborating with them for years and being a super fan of everything they do. After winning several Spanish Pothole Ski Championships and participating representing our country in several European countries, Jorge has left the competition a bit aside and now he is clear about his goal. “My priority now is teaching. I want to teach people to enjoy skiing as I have from the beginning”, he told us during his visit. Jorge already had everything ready to go to Sierra Nevada, in Granada, his quintessential place to ski in Spain. Likewise, his sister Leticia also came to visit us. It is a great pleasure to have two brothers who are such lovers of mountain sports and ski professionals, their stories are endless and super interesting!

Our Indian Crew keeps growing and you know the best? We also want to count on you! If sport, freedom, the desire to enjoy and adventure are part of your day to day, do not hesitate to contact us and be part of this great team that is prepared for all the good and super interesting things that are coming soon.