Los inventos más absurdos para deslizarse sobre la nieve


The most absurd inventions to slide on the snow

Snoogee Board

The concept is simple, transfer the bodyboard to the snow. However, the final result is far from looking like something that is going to become fashionable. It might be fun for a while, it's possible, but if you're investing money in a ski pass you might not want to waste it snoogeing down the slopes.

Storm Board

A really difficult invention to understand. Especially if you practice snowboarding regularly. They have tried to sell it as a product that only provides advantages, but if you have ever slid with a board through the snow, we are sure that the only thing you will appreciate are the disadvantages of such an absurd invention. Watch the video and judge for yourself.

Yibb Snowoard

Maybe this case shouldn't be on this list, but the demo video makes it pretty much unavoidable. We believe that it should not be there because its creators justify the so-called Yibb as an accessory to take the first steps in snowboarding and get started in this sport. Don't miss the video…


How about sliding down the slope suspended just inches from the snow? Well, this is precisely what the hangboard intends. This and a cumbersome system that costs a bit to connect to it every time we want to make a descent. It is also somewhat uncomfortable and difficult to handle to get on the chairlift with such a thing.


Last but no less absurd than the rest of the sports on this list, switchboarding enjoys the dubious honor of being mass-produced. That is to say, some investor allocated a large amount of money thinking that they would take it out of their hands. Please check out the switchboard ad because it's priceless…