La fauna marina que esconde la Gran Barrera de Coral ¿Cúal de todos es tu animal favorito?


The marine fauna that hides the Great Barrier Reef Which of all is your favorite animal?

The Great Barrier Reef is the largest submerged habitat on the entire planet. It is so big that the astronauts assure that it can be distinguished without problems from space, it is truly one of the great treasures that nature has given us during all this time. Hundreds of species of animals inhabit this great natural space, which is why we invite you to discover the fauna of the Great Barrier Reef.

First of all, what is The Great Barrier Reef? The Great Barrier Reef is located in Oceania, specifically northeast of Australia. It is difficult to calculate its specific area, but it is more than 2,600 kilometers long: it is not really the same reef, but the union of more than 2,000 individual corals and almost 1. 000 islands. It is sometimes mentioned that this ecosystem is the largest living being on the planet: thanks to its large size, its mild and friendly climate, and its geographical location, one of the highest concentrations of known diversity can be found in this place.

On the Great Barrier Reef there is not only life under the sea: many species of birds survive thanks to underwater activity. In addition, we must take into account the animals that live both on land and in the sea, such as crocodiles or turtles.

gran barrera de coral fauna marina


The Great Barrier Reef was declared a protected natural park in 1875 and a World Heritage Site in 1981. This implies that it is legally protected against alteration or destruction of a large part of its extension.It is a particularly attractive area of ​​the planet for scuba diving enthusiasts and tourists. Thanks to this declaration of protection, all human activities are regulated: for example, boats are not allowed to dock on top of the coral reefs and the passage of tourism is limited.

In addition, fishing is prohibited, so all the animal species that proliferate in this ecosystem can live and reproduce without feeling threatened. This is of vital importance, since some of the living beings of the Great Barrier Reef are in danger of extinction. But its fauna is also very important! In this unique place, life proliferates: both animal and vegetable.

Some of the animals that live on this reef are migratory, but many others spend their entire lives on it, and are even endemic, that is, they do not live anywhere else on the planet. Some of the species that can be found are the following:

  • Cetaceans and other large mammals: Humpback whales, one of the largest cetaceans that exist, are part of the fauna of the Great Barrier Reef, since they come to reproduce. Dolphins, the dwarf minke whale, the Hong Kong pink dolphin and dugongs also appear here.Likewise, we can also find something that are not cetaceans, but large marine animals: almost thirty sharks and rays appear in these waters. The white shark, the tiger shark and even the hammerhead shark are inhabitants of this ecosystem.
  • Sea turtles and crocodiles: Six species of sea turtles have been counted, including the critically endangered hawksbill and leatherback. Also, saltwater crocodiles live in the mangroves near the reef and benefit from it. Among the fauna of the Great Barrier Reef also live about 15 species of sea snakes. They can be found even at a depth of 50 meters. They are descendants of terrestrial species, and can reach eight feet in length.
  • Fish and small marine fauna: There are more than 1,500 species of fish living in its waters. Some are as amazing as the frog fish or the "wrasse" fish, or as well known as the clown fish or the blue tang. They come in all sizes and all colors: many are very striking and have unique colors, such as mandarin fish.Nine different species of seahorse have also been counted. There are 400 species of mollusks, 1,400 varieties of coral, and plankton is so abundant that humpback whales come to feed in its waters. Among the most amazing mollusks on the Great Barrier Reef are the giant clams.

¿Conocías anteriormente la fauna marina que se encuentra en la Gran Barrera de Coral? Desde <tc>The Indian Face</tc> We want to invite you to read why it is in danger and what we can do to protect these important natural spaces that are being damaged due to human beings. Let's protect these treasures of nature!

  • Polyps: Also, one of the essential living elements of a coral reef are polyps. They are carnivorous, but very small, you have to look very closely to realize that each one has a very small mouth and tentacles. The fact that they are usually found in clear water is important, if the water suffers from too much pollution it can prevent the polyps from being able to survive, and without them, coral reefs could not thrive.
  • Seabirds: Over 20 species of seabirds live throughout the reef, as well as nearly 50 species of shorebirds, which feed in the sea but nest on the surrounding islands. In addition, some thirty species of migratory birds pass through this place on their journeys. The Great Barrier Reef is considered the largest living being on the planet, thanks to the great biodiversity found under and on its waters. It has been protected by law for almost half a century and, despite this, its health continues to be threatened. Taking care of the ocean is everyone's responsibility, and especially ecotourists who come to such special places.

gran barrera de coral fauna marina

Experts also believe that the latitude of coral reefs, as well as the direction of water movement, affects the life of these biomes. The characteristics are also important so that all this fauna can survive. Warm water temperatures are required for the coral reef biome to exist, for this reason they are in shallow water.

In the deepest places of water, the sun cannot shine due to the depth of the water, with shallow water the sun reaches the bottom of the water and heats the area upwards. The structure of a coral reef is intriguing, you can find colonies of small animals living in these areas, however, when they die they leave a hard structure made of limestone, which leaves us with an interesting history of the environment in which these animals have lived. been living.

From The Indian Face we want to invite you to read why it is in danger and what we can do to protect these important natural spaces that are being damaged due to human beings. Let's protect these treasures of nature!

Did you previously know about the marine fauna found in the Great Barrier Reef? Tell us which of all is your favorite marine animal! We love nature, we love adventure.

fauna marina gran barrera de coral