Adri Felip García, The Indian Face BMX TEAM

Adri Felip Garcia, The Indian Face BMX TEAM

Here I present to you our new acquisition for the The Indian Face BMX Team. Adri Felip García, a Catalan from Molins de Rei who was born on October 13, 1991.

Adri started out by giving it his all in the “Race” with a 26″ bike where he won a couple of races at just 12 years old. Later he moved on to “dirt” but not for long as he had a serious accident that kept him out for a long time. After recovering after a lot of effort, and with great spirit (as we say, a good dose of Indian Spirit), returned to the bike but in this case, he switched to BMX in Parks where he now spends many hours a day, 7 days a week.
Needless to say, the invaluable help he received from one of our favourite shops, “Freestyle Shop” in Barcelona, ​​where they made sure he didn’t lack any hard material.
He is certainly a great addition to the team. He has a great sense of humour, is impulsive and determined and, above all, he is a good friend to his friends, which is what matters most in life.
Here are some photos and one of his videos where he is riding with another of our riders, Sergi Campderros. I hope you enjoy it and that he is with us for many years!!

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