Mira online el Redbull ‘Double Pipe’ Snowboarding Event en directo por la NBC

Watch the Red Bull ‘Double Pipe’ Snowboard Event online live on NBC

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 14, you can watch the Redbull 'Double Pipe' Snowboarding Event live on NBC via this link, completely free of charge. The test will start tomorrow at 1:00 p.m. (World Standard Time), please note that it will take place in Buttermilk, Aspen, Colorado, USA.

Last season, during the last edition, the event brought together the best snowboarders in the world and they pushed the halfpipe to the limit. It was a real spectacle and you can't miss it. Look, we leave you a couple of videos in which you can see how they are organizing and preparing for this year's test in Aspen. You will see the riders training, interviews with some protagonists, etc. Two ideal pieces to whet your appetite and get an idea of ​​what is going to happen tomorrow in Aspen.

We encourage you to follow the test and tell us what you think. You can be part of the “conversation” about this new edition of the Redbull ‘Double Pipe’ Snowboarding Event via Twitter using the hashtag #DoublePipe or by mentioning @RedBullCO.

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