Sergi Campderrós, The Indian Face BMX Team

Sergi Campderrós, The Indian Face BMX Team

Here I present another of our riders, in this case from our BMX team. Sergi Campderrós Ceruelo He is a boy from Torrelles de Llobregat (very close to Barcelona) who was born in the spring of 1991, on April 16.

Sergi is a person who could be said to have been born with a bicycle between his legs. He barely knew how to ride when he was already riding a bike. At the age of 13 he already started to get into freestyle. He started with downhill and shortly after he leaned towards BMX.
This boy is pure action and adrenaline. Jumps on sand terrain, skate parks or simply freestyle through the streets of any city. The ease that BMX gives him is that he can practice it anywhere, both in the city and in the middle of the countryside.
He started competing two years ago and his progress couldn't be better, but unfortunately a few months ago he had a serious fall in the final of an event where he fractured a vertebra that has kept him off the circuit for a long time. The good news is that he is almost fully recovered and has already started riding again, which we are very happy about. The Indian Face.

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