Freestyle football: dos vídeos de impresionantes trucos con balón


Freestyle football: two videos of impressive tricks with the ball

Freestyle football: two videos of impressive ball tricks

If you like soccer and freestyle, these images will not leave you indifferent. If you don't like football and prefer skateboarding or snow sports, we think you'll still like to discover what some people are capable of doing with a ball on the street. Incredible juggling, acrobatics and tricks that, at some point, seem like magic, are possible with a ball and a lot of talent. Not to say that technique and a lot of practice is also obviously necessary. But the result caught our attention and we would like to know what you think about freestyle football.

He hallucinates with Séan Garnier and his juggling with the ball. By the way, the music in this video is great… the song is called Sprint!:

French Séán Garnier may be one of the most talented footballers in the world. He has caused a real sensation at events such as the Doha Goals, one of the most important congresses on the world sports scene. The ball is, quite simply, an extension of his body . He does what he wants with him, he is an illusionist.

And check out this video of Melody Donchet. The session that is marked by doing fancy things with the ball is impressive.

French Melody Donchet, 24, is the epitome of female virtuosity of freestyle football. Due to an operation on his knee, he hasn't been able to play competitive soccer... but it doesn't stop him from recreating and showing all his skill with the ball juggling, acrobatic, cycling... the ball moves around his body like nobody else . All you have to do is see it in action.