Receta de Panqueques Saludables sin harina de trigo


Recipe for Healthy Pancakes without wheat flour

Prepare delicious breakfasts or snacks with this recipe for oatmeal and almond pancakes!

Many people are discovering the disadvantages that wheat flour-based meals may have and their impact on health, especially for people with celiac disease and those who are gluten intolerant.

There are ways to replace wheat in meals, such as opting for base ingredients like rice, whole grains, nuts and corn, but in the case of pancakes, it is difficult to achieve that fluffy flavor that characterizes, and that we all love.

You shouldn't care! We teach you how to prepare practical and healthy pancakes without wheat flour that will make your mouth water.

Receta de Panqueques Saludables sin harina de trigo



  • 3 egg whites
  • ½ cup of powdered oats preferably (flakes will also work)
  • 2 tablespoons almond flour
  • Sweetener or honey to taste
  • 2 teaspoons of white (cold) yogurt of your choice


  • Make sure you have all the ingredients you are going to use near you in the kitchen.
  • Sift the almond flour as far as possible with a very clean metal strainer, and have it ready in a bowl for later use.
  • If you use powdered oats, you should also sift them and add them to the same bowl with the almond flour. If you are using rolled oats, simply add them to the bowl.
  • Use a household mixer to mix all the ingredients together.
  • First, beat the egg whites in the blender for about 30 seconds and gradually add the rest of the ingredients. Start with the sweet element, either honey or sweetener, continue with cold yogurt, and if you want to add nutmeg, cinnamon or vanilla extract to taste now is the time to do so.
  • Finally add little by little the almond and oatmeal flour previously sifted.
  • When you notice a homogeneous and well incorporated mixture, stop the blender and let it rest for 5 minutes.
  • Take those minutes to heat up a Teflon pan on the stove. You can pass a napkin on top with some margarine or oil if you wish, but the idea is that the Teflon helps the mixture not stick.
  • Ladle mixture into pan over low heat, turning as it cooks with a spatula.

Receta de Panqueques Saludables sin harina de trigo

These easy recipes have few ingredients, but you can add whatever you want to taste!

From cinnamon, raspberries or blueberries, to dark chocolate chips or a little protein powder to the mix. The important thing about deciding to be healthy is to transfer it to all aspects of our routine and take it as a lifestyle and not as an obligation.

So don't be overwhelmed, choose flavor combinations that you do like and quality ingredients, and you'll see that healthy recipes are also a real treat.

Enjoy it!