Los amos de Dogtown, un gran Skate film


The masters of Dogtown, a great Skate film

If what you feel like this Sunday is staying at home or watching a movie with friends, we would like to recommend Lords of Dogtown (2005). And if you like skateboarding and skating and you haven't seen this movie, you're going to love it.

Although directed by Catherine Hardwicke, the story is by famous ex-professional sakter Stacy Peralta.

The film is based on the true story of the Z-Boys. Originally from Santa Monica and Venice Beach, these Californian skaters are the fathers of today's skate/punk movement. These guys used to meet in an abandoned swimming pool in Dogtown at a time when skateboarding was not fully accepted by a large part of society. Over time, the spectacular adventures and competitions of this group of skaters had an impact on the history of the sport, becoming a cult object and a serious influence on modern skating.

We don't want to tell you much more or spoil the movie, we just leave you the trailer in its original version so you can get an idea of ​​the incredible scenes, images, movements, jumps and actions that surround a story that narrates an important part of the origin of skateboarding that is practiced today in any city in the world.

The film immortalizes three indisputable legends of this urban sport: Stacy Peralta, Tony Alva and Jay Adams; who participated in the development of the filming. The Masters of Dogtown was awarded for Best Documentary at the AFI Film Festival.