Gafas de sol en televisión: 7 protagonistas de series que marcaron época con ellas puestas


Sunglasses on television: 7 protagonists of series that marked an era with them on

Sunglasses are a complement that have contributed to creating the personality of dozens of fictional characters. If in a previous entry we collected the best sunglasses in the history of cinema, today we do it with the ones that have been paid starring in your favorite television series.

Top 7 TV Characters We Will Always Remember Wearing Sunglasses

If you are a series addict and your biggest hobby is enjoying the best premieres, surely these characters are like part of your family. And if you don't know yet, you already have a good plan for this weekend!

1. Tony Soprano (The Sopranos)

he didn't always wear them, but every shot with them was a delight. Tony Soprano, brilliantly played by James Gandolfini, is the protagonist of one of HBO's cult series. The small, black, rectangular sunglasses he wore completed the mobster look of the gangster he played.

2. Don Draper (Mad Men)

The attractive publicist, played by Jon Hamm, usually wears sunglasses that enhance his style and elegance. Although the series is set in the 1960s, Don Draper, who is characterized by his particular code of ethics, fights behind the lenses of his glasses his double facet: that of a gallant and womanizer as opposed to that of a tormented, tortured being. for his past.

3. Steve Murphy and Javier Peña (Narcos)

Netflix's breakout series has had an extraordinary impact worldwide. Supported by a well-rounded marketing strategy, the fiction -which has just released its third season- has among its strengths a great job of characterization. Murphy and Peña, the "good guys" of the DEA who fight against drug trafficking in general and against Pablo Escobar in particular, don't take off their sunglasses in their outdoor scenes. Will they buy them in a 2x1 promotion?

4. The 12th Doctor (Doctor Who)

It was quite a revolution. The twelfth Doctor from the veteran BBC series trades in his sonic screwdriver... for sunglasses! Although, in this case, the character played by Peter Capaldi has a very exclusive model: they allow him to hear people speak from a distance to create holograms over WiFi. Of course, we warn you: this model is not yet for sale except in fiction!

5. Mitch Buchannon (Baywatch)

How to forget the series that was repeated one summer after another on television. Starring David Hasselhoff, it began its broadcasts in 1989. It's been a whopping 28 years now! Apart from making red swimsuits and slow-motion runs along the shore fashionable, Lieutenant Mitch Buchannon's sunglasses are as mythical as those floats with which they saved bathers on Santa Monica beach. Unforgettable!

6. Matt Murdock (Daredevil)

Marvel created it and Netflix has brought it back to prominence on the small screen. Matt Murdock (better known as Daredevil, his superhero name) is a lawyer who, after being blinded in an accident, has dramatically developed the rest of his senses. Played by Londoner Charlie Cox, the protagonist covers his eyes with round black sunglasses that are part of the character's iconography.

7. Horatio Caine (CSI Miami)

Without a doubt, he is one of the characters who has gotten the most out of his sunglasses. Actor David Caruso spent every episode taking this accessory on and off over and over again. The streets of Miami sure do not forget it. Us neither.

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