Surfing waves is amazing! The whole experience of surfing and connecting with nature is one of the most incredible things there is, and also one of the most admired, because it certainly requires great talent and excellent physical and mental condition.
As with any risky and adventure sport, when we practice surfing it is essential to lead a healthy lifestyle and stay fit. It is impossible to practice surfing without first strengthening our muscles and joints, and working very well on our endurance and balance skills.
If you practice a good surfing exercise routine, you will be able to achieve the strength you need. You will have to train your paddling, do stretching exercises, tone and flex your muscles, exercise your lower back, strengthen your arms and legs, and also practice balance a lot. There is nothing left to do but exercise with determination and patience and out of the water! Choose exercises that allow you to simulate a little of the movements we practice when surfing, and thus tone all the key areas of our body that we need to be in the best condition.
Remember that practice makes perfect, and so does exercise! Here is an excellent 5-step routine for you to keep in mind when training your body and improving your surfing technique.
Do a short cardio session before training, 10 or 15 minutes will suffice. Avoid injuries by warming up each of your muscles thoroughly before starting your exercises. Stretch your joints to avoid cramps, in or out of the sea.
Elbow planks are great for working your body as a whole, especially strengthening the natural curve of your back. Try holding the straight back position and then the curved back position for at least 30 seconds, and practice daily until you reach one minute. Also, practice raising your arms into a wing position, one at a time, and then returning to the position, which will help you maintain balance and strengthen your back.
If you don't have one already, consider purchasing one. fit ball or a fitness ball, because it will be great for you. There are all kinds of exercises that you can do on it, and here are some examples. The important thing is that you strengthen your arms, legs, back and that you practice rowing exercises, because you will definitely need them.
Side planks can be a bit rough at first, but it's essential that you master them. Don't worry, with time and practice you'll get the hang of it! In addition to practicing balance, it helps strengthen each side of your body and helps you control it, get to know it, and manage your body. Try to hold them for 30 seconds to a minute, and then practice raising your leg and arm at the same time in the position.
Practice your balance in different positions for as long as you can, always being careful not to strain your knees in the process – you should feel like your muscles are supporting your weight. Try doing it on specialized gym equipment like a Bosu, or on a foam roller, or even consider practicing on a Surfsetfitness which are also incredible for simulating a real board, you will be able to practice your surf training exercises on it without any problem.
Train your mind and body to improve your surfing every day! You can do your routine directly in the water with a bodyboard first and then move on to the board if you wish. If you are a beginner, attend a surf school and join the best so that you can acquire all the experience you need. Concentrate efforts on the lumbar area, the muscles of your back, and the management of balance. And remember that taking all the safety measures is part of the great experience of surfing!

Remember that you must practice and train a lot to prepare your body for action. Surfing is an incredible sport, but we must take all the protection and safety measures, including entering the water physically and emotionally prepared for the great adventures that await us. See you in the waves!