The Indian Face con el #AniridiaDay

The Indian Face with #AniridiaDay

One in every hundred thousand. That is the number of people born with aniridia in the world. This disease consists of the total or partial absence of the iris of the eyepiece, which produces a high photophobia (intolerance to light). For this reason, those who suffer from it have to Protect your eyes with sunglasses whenever you go outside.

Some patients who suffer from this condition combine aniridia with other eye conditions such as Wilms' tumor, malformations in the genital and urinary tract or intellectual developmental delays. The combination of these pathologies gives rise to WAGR syndrome.

In addition, throughout their lives, people who face this pathology develop different ocular alterations (cataracts, glaucoma, corneal degeneration, among many others) that weaken visual capacity.

World Aniridia Day: raise awareness!

Today, June 21, is the World Aniridia Day. From The Indian Face We want to support the research of this rare disease and give a voice to those who suffer from it by joining a project that we want you to be a part of.

Aniridia Europe and Aniridia UK have launched a great initiative to raise awareness about this disease. Do you want to know what you have to do to participate? It's very easy! Simply take a photo with your sunglasses –an essential element in the daily life of a patient with this disease- and upload it to your social networks with the hashtag #AniridiaDayIf you feel like it, you can include some motivational and positive phrase.


From The Indian Face we join the cause.

In The Indian Face We are committed to life and we would love for you to also do your part in solidarity.

Today (or whenever you want) you can show your support with a very simple action, simply upload a photo of yourself or whoever you want with sunglasses on to your social networks (the more fun the photo, the more smiles it will bring) using the hashtag #ANIRIDIA and #ANIRIDIADAY and if you also use #THEINDIANFACECONLAANIRIDIA then we will forward your photo on our networks as well so that it reaches as many people as possible.

It's very, very easy to participate. ARE YOU IN?

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