K2: La cima más ansiada del alpinismo


K2: The most coveted peak of mountaineering

K2: The most longed-for peak of mountaineering

Do you know which is the most desired peak by all kinds of mountain lovers? You find it between Pakistan and the Chinese Kashmir area, and it is nothing more and nothing less than K2. K2 with summit coordinates 35° 52' 52.86'' N, 76° 30' 48.43'' ECoord.: 35° 52' 52.86'' N, 76° 30' 48.43'' E, and with a maximum height At 8,611 meters it is one of the main mountains in the world, only surpassed by Everest. Within the 14 Eight Thousand (if you want to know which are the 14 "eight thousand" on the planet, click here) it is undoubtedly the most longed for and difficult peak of all.

Specifically, this mountain is located in one of the parts of the Karakoram mountain range, an area that, as we mentioned, is part of the border between Pakistan and China, specifically in the Chachemir area, an area in clear dispute and conflict over their territorial affiliation.

This mountain whose usual ascent route is on the southeast ridge, specifically in the Pakistani area of ​​Abruzzo, was recorded in 1856 by a team of surveyors headed by a British man, but it was not until 1902 when It can be said that for the first time an attempt was made to climb to the top in a serious way, since pseudo-ascent attempts had been made previously that ended in failure.

Actually this attempt to crown the top in 1902 also ended in failure after repeated unsuccessful attempts to attack the top. Failure that the Duke of Abruzzo also suffered in 1909 in his attempt to ascend to the top of K2, and failures that followed one after the other again and again for those who tried to reach one of the roofs of the world.

It was in 1954, specifically on the last day of July, when the top of K2 was reached for the first time. Such a feat was accomplished by an Italian team headed by Ardito Desio. Subsequently, they had to wait several years, specifically until 1973, for the second ascent to the top of K2 to take place.

Repeated ascents to the top have been taking place since that distant 1973, they have already been produced by all its edges, and there are two ascents beyond the first ones that perhaps deserve special relevance: the first female ascent, which produced in 1986 by the Polish Wanda Rutkiewicz, and also the ascent made by the oldest person, specifically that achievement is held by Carlos Soria who in 2004 and being 65 years old reached the top of K2.