Álvaro Fernández Fiúza: nuestro piragüista tres veces campeón del mundo de maratón

Álvaro Fernández Fiúza: our three-time world marathon champion canoeist

Álvaro Fiúza was born in 1982 in Pontevedra. He is a canoeist and has been proclaimed three times world champion in the marathon modality.

He began his career in this sport when he was only 11 years old and at 27, after much effort and training, he won the European and World marathon double, together with Emilio Merchán, in the ranks of the team ADZ.

In 2010, he came across his last sports bet to date, at Club Oviedo Kayak. Promoted by the charismatic president of the club, Pepe Rubiera, and with the aim of being able to claim the title of winners of the Descent of the Sella as a couple with Walter Bouzán, they manage to achieve more than just a Sella: they have won four editions of Descent of the Sella, two gold and two silver medals in the Canoeing World Championships and a victory in the World Cup, to which must be added other events of the highest national and international level.

In The Indian Face we are more than proud to sponsor a true champion like Álvaro Fiuzá.

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