Alan Kempster is a man, or rather, a GREAT MAN In 1999, Alan suffered a brutal motorcycle accident caused by a drunk driver who was driving a truck, which ran over him. The cowardly driver fled the scene and two of Alan's limbs had to be amputated, one arm and one leg on his right side.
Alan took his time to recover, but he made one of his most tenacious decisions: he said he would continue racing motorcycles, this would be his greatest challenge. He modified his motorcycle by moving all the controls to the left side.
I think it is difficult to imagine how truly difficult and hard it must have been for Alan to be able to fulfil his challenge of returning to the track. And the greatest thing is not the fact that he has successfully achieved it, but the effort, determination and above all, the defiant enthusiasm that this LORD has put into achieving something that seemed impossible.
Friends, hope is stronger than logic. Don't stop listening to people who tell you logical things so you know what to aim for.
Don't forget to watch his video below. Greetings to everyone, especially those like Alan, who have taken it upon themselves to prove his logic wrong!!