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how to start running

Starting running from scratch is always a great challenge and a difficult decision. Surely you are wondering things like. How to start running? I will be able to do it? I have to do it? At The Indian Face we invite you to always trust yourself and also prioritize your health and well-being above all else. And, without a doubt, an excellent way to do this is to go for a run! Not only because running loses weight, but because it is an excellent way to stay active in your free time, and encouraged while strengthening the muscles of your body with aerobic exercise.

Going for a run is great, as well, because it helps a lot with breathing and the cardiovascular system, but we'll talk about that later. The advantages of running are many! If you're interested in finding out more about this physical activity and finding out how starting to run can be incredibly easy and beneficial for you, then read on and discover new ideas, tricks and workouts that will make you want to go for a run tomorrow.

How to start running?

To get started in the sport of running or simply go for a run, you don't need much more than fairly decent running shoes, sports clothing suitable for the weather, hydration, a minimum warm-up plan before running , a stretching plan after running, and a great desire to have fun.

Normally, if you plan a good running training routine, you don't need to have any prior experience, spend a lot of money, or have a specific physical condition. In fact, one of the many benefits of running is precisely that it helps you improve your current physical condition and, if you stay constant, it can help you maintain it for many more years and motivate you to start other sports that you also like. .

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Ideally, the first thing you should do is devise a plan of at least 8 weeks in which you train about 3 3 a week for 20-40 minutes daily, counting warm-ups before running and stretching after running . Remember that if you are going to run outside during the day instead of using the gym treadmill, the recommendation is to take sports sunglasses that protect your eyes from the sun rays, especially at peak hours. Another thing you can add to your routine is running music, which can help entertain you while you exercise. But beyond that, if you are getting information to know how to start running and to learn how to run, then there is no need for you to go crazy looking for too special equipment. As you become more passionate about running and progress in the sport, you will be able to invest in more and better special equipment to go running.

The training plan that you propose to start running should be based on time intervals to build resistance in your body and then run constantly for as long as you want, knowing how to control your breathing and maintain rhythm. An excellent way to start with intervals is to apply the so-called “CACO”, which is a training technique for running that consists of alternating between walking and run repeatedly for an estimated time. The days that you apply the "CACO" must be alternate, that is, one day yes and one day no, so that your body can rest and recover, That is why the recommendation to start running is to do it progressively 3 times a week, one day yes, one day no. On the days that you are not going to run without a problem, you can practice any other sport or training normally. If you are starting from scratch in running, of course, the first days, and even the first weeks, you will spend more time walking than running during the sessions. But, as your body gets used to it and improves its physical condition, you will be able to maintain that constant rhythm that you want so badly to achieve, even if right now you think that you could not last even five continuous minutes.

How to start running in 8 weeks?

Here we propose a plan to train your body 3 times a week if you want to go for a run and last longer than you now can!

  • WEEK 1. Perform 5 CACO sessions of 4 minutes, 1 minute running and 3 minutes walking, and so on.
  • WEEK 2. Perform 6 CACO sessions of 4 and a half minutes, 1 minute and a half running and 3 minutes walking.
  • WEEK 3. Perform 5 CACO sessions of 4 minutes, 2 minutes running and 2 minutes walking.
  • WEEK 4. Carry out 4 CACO sessions of 5 and a half minutes, 3 minutes running and 1 and a half minutes walking.
  • WEEK 5. Perform 3 CACO sessions of 7 minutes, 5 minutes running and 2 minutes walking.
  • WEEK 6. Perform 3 CACO sessions of 9 minutes, 7 minutes running, 2 minutes walking.
  • WEEK 7. Perform 3 CACO sessions of 11 minutes, 10 minutes running, 1 minute walking.
  • WEEK 8. Carry out 2 CACO sessions of 15 minutes. 14 minutes running and 1 minute walking.

** Remember that "CACO" is a training technique for running, which consists of alternating walking and running repeatedly for a certain amount of time.

This routine proposal is ideal to start running from scratch. However, remember that each metabolism is different, so you should listen to your body, stop during sessions if necessary, hydrate well before and after training, and progressively observe how you stick to the changes in pace that we propose. You will undoubtedly notice a big change in your physical endurance when running week by week!

It is important to warm up and stretch for running before starting any routine. If you agree to follow the 8-week plan that we propose, don't forget that you should warm up before each session and stretch after each session. The warm up should last about 4-5 minutes and the final stretch 5-6 minutes. How to do it? Here we explain it to you. Keep reading!

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The warm-up before running should also be progressive, the trick is to go from less to more so as not to force the body. The idea is to start your running routine off on the right foot, stretching the joints and fibers correctly, and warming up the muscles to prevent stiffness and to undo pre-existing knots.

Stretching daily helps to avoid injuries in general, but doing it before doing any physical activity is essential, for all that we have mentioned above and because, in addition, it helps the blood to be oxygenated and helps you to perform better when you exercise.

The warm-up before running should be dynamic in order to get the body going before going for a run. The ideal is about 2-3 sets of basic dynamic stretches for the whole body.

How to warm up before running?

Here are some basic exercises to warm up your body and muscles before running, which you can use as a reference the next time you go for a run. The recommendation is to do 2 to 3 series of each one for about 15-20 seconds, with each leg or arm as the case may be. Remember to perform these warm-up stretches to run from less to more, carefully to avoid injury.

  • Facing a wall, bend one leg forward while keeping the other straight behind. Stretch your whole body lean on the surface with both arms above the height of your head.
  • Place your foot on a low base and bend your leg while the other remains straight. Lean your body and push forward with the leg that you have bent.
  • On the same base, stretch your leg and bring your body as far forward as possible trying to reach both hands to the ball of your foot.
  • While standing, move your ankles in circles, to one side and then to the other.
  • Stretch the calf forward by standing on your toes and putting pressure on the leg
  • Perform a standing abductor warm-up by positioning both hands on your hips. Now stretch your straight leg out as far as you can and return to the starting position.
  • Perform an adductor warm-up while standing with both hands equally on your hips. Now stretch your straight leg back as far as you can and return to the starting position. Now, keep the same leg straight and move it forward as far as you can.
  • Stretch your arms as well. Standing with your legs slightly apart, reach one arm behind your head until your hand reaches your shoulder blade. Now stretch out the other arm and place that hand on the elbow of the opposite arm. Lower that hand slightly to perform the stretch.
  • Also stretch the back and shoulders by taking both hands together behind the back to the level of the buttocks. Then push forward and repeatedly shrink your chest while maintaining that same position.
  • Don't forget to warm up and stretch your neck muscles by turning your head to face forward from side to side, bringing your chin to your shoulder. Also moving the head back and forth, now bringing the chin to the chest and the back of the head to the back.

**Between stretches you can jog on the spot for 10-15 seconds to encourage your body to warm up.


The stretches after running are very similar to the routine before running, so you can repeat the previous routine without problems, just add the following 3 movements that we will discuss below:

  • Sit with your legs in a “butterfly” position, bringing the soles of your feet together. Now grab the balls of your feet with both hands and try to lower your knees to the floor as much as possible. You can repeatedly raise and lower your knees, doing 2 or 3 sessions and resting 15 seconds between each session. You can also lower your knees to the ground and hold that position for 30 seconds and then relax; the same, 2 or 3 sessions with 15 seconds of rest between one and the other.
  • Maintain the previous position and move your body forward as much as possible trying to position your forehead on the balls of your feet maintaining the position for 30 seconds. Do 2 or 3 sessions with 15 seconds rest between each session.
  • Sitting on the floor, bring both legs together straight out in front of you. Now bring your body forward and stretch out your arms ensuring that your hands reach the tips of your feet; go as far as you can in the moment, for as long as you can.

** Remember that change is progressive and over time you will be able to stretch more and do each exercise better. At the end of the stretching after running, relax your body and your muscles. If necessary, gently massage any specific muscles that may have become tight. If necessary, go to the physio to indicate the most correct stretches after running for your body type and physical condition.

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How to run?

Running properly is of the utmost importance, so if you are wondering how to run properly before you start running then you are already on the right track. Although running seems natural, it is true that not everyone knows how to run well to avoid injuries in the short, medium or long term. Normally you start running by adapting your posture without considering that it is actually the correct position. If you still don't know what the correct posture to have when running is, here we leave you these tips and suggestions to get the correct posture when running:

  • Always keep your head up and look straight ahead.
  • Hands firm but relaxed and without tension.
  • Elbows flexed at 90 degrees.
  • When you bend your knees, raise them slightly, but not more than 30 degrees.
  • Body leaning slightly forward.
  • Always upright back.
  • If you press, it's better to always do it on the abdominals.
  • Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed.
  • When you step, land the entire sole of your foot on the ground.
  • Prevents the lower back from curving.
  • Try that the impact is felt in your legs and thigh, but not in your back

**Remember to maintain a correct posture in your day to day, even in the most daily activities, so that it does not affect you when you go for a run.

What are the benefits of running?

Running has many health benefits, some of which we have already mentioned above, but we leave you with a brief list of the main benefits of running:

  • Running is good exercise because it is practical, requiring no special skills or equipment other than running shoes or clothing depending on the weather.
  • Running helps strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Running decreases the risk of disease.
  • Running helps improve breathing.
  • Running strengthens the musculoskeletal system, that is, the osteoarticular system that includes bones, ligaments and joints, and the muscular system, which includes muscles and tendons.
  • Running generates endorphins and raises self-esteem.
  • Running loses weight.
  • Running helps you sleep better.
  • Running improves work and academic performance.
  • Running speeds up metabolism.
  • Running strengthens the immune system.

When to run?

Many people have debated what time of day you can go for a run. Many experts believe that diet plays a fundamental role:

  • If you run in the morning, it is recommended to do it 1 hour after breakfast.
  • If you run mid-morning or mid-day, it's best to do it before lunch.
  • If you run in the afternoon it is best to do it at least 2 hours after lunch.
  • If running at night, it is best to do it between snack and dinner, that is, before one and after the other.

Of the options mentioned above, the most recommended time of day to run is in the morning because running is an aerobic exercise that will activate your metabolism early and give more prolonged energy to your day. Of course you can run at any time you want, but specifically muscle strength exercises are the most recommended to do in the afternoon or at night.

Can you run on an empty stomach?

On the other hand, many fitness lovers claim that running on an empty stomach has a positive effect on weight loss, so they say that running loses weight more if you do it on an empty stomach. The theory is that going for a run without having eaten breakfast, or without having eaten food for at least 8 hours, would cause the body to use up its remaining glycogen and use fat as an energy source instead.

It is true that the body will always try to compensate itself in moments of need for its survival, but taking it to the limit is not beneficial in the medium or long term. Thus, the direct benefits of fasted running are not fully proven. In fact, running on an empty stomach can cause discomfort such as nausea and fatigue, so it is not recommended to run on an empty stomach.

Music for running and other tricks to avoid getting bored while running

Music has become an essential part of the training routine of runners in Spain and around the world. Many studies support that the use of music when running brings multiple benefits to the body. In fact, running with music influences performance by up to 15%, according to experts in the field such as C. Karageorghis, as well as mobility and motor skills. Amazing, right? Running to music motivates you, makes time seem faster, increases your stamina, and helps you release even more endorphins. So if you're thinking about how to start running, one of the first things you should do is create a playlist of running music that will get you going and keep you from getting bored!

Tricks to avoid getting bored when you go for a run

If you are new to running, it is possible that you get bored easily due to lack of habit, so here are some tips to avoid getting bored running:

  • Run on a treadmill if you normally do it outside, or vice versa.
  • Change the direction or path you usually travel.
  • Run together.
  • Run at different times.
  • Vary where you normally run.
  • Participate in races when you are ready to do so.
  • Prepare several playlists of music to run so you don't get stuck in the same one all the time.
  • In addition to listening to music you can listen to some podcasts or interviews.
  • If you want to lose weight because you have proven that running loses weight, then measure your results biweekly, that will surely motivate you to continue your routine and achieve your goals.

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Running in the time of Covid

Do you already know all the measures you must take if you want to go running in times of covid? Visit our article on how to take the necessary measures to go running in times of Covid, and adapt your lifestyle to the new circumstances without suffering in the attempt.

Remember that you should always consult with your trusted physiotherapist about the most suitable stretches for you. Each person is different, and if you are starting to run from scratch it is important that you take care of yourself at all times. So, get ready to go for a run and enjoy all the benefits that running brings you. Cheer up!