Adventure & Free Soul Company

For passionate about life, mountain and sport in general
Discover a world of adventure on the blog of
From Tarifa to Nordkapp by bike: The Epic Adventure of Misha and Piter
Misha and Piter, ambassadors ofUller andThe Indian Face , undertook an epic journey from Tarifa, Spain, to North Cape, Norway. They travelled 12,237 kilometres by...
Blanca Alabau
Blanca Alabau She started windsurfing when she was 8 years old. The fact that she started at such an early age may be due to...
Lorena Saez Martinez, a surfer from the team The Indian Face
I want to introduce you to one of our favorite riders of the The Indian Face Team. Lorena Sáez Martinez is a Cantabrian girl who...
Sergi Campderrós, The Indian Face BMX Team
Here I present to another of our Riders, in this case of our BMX team. Sergi Campderrós Ceruelo is a boy from Torrelles de Llobregat...
Sergi Nicolás, rider of the The Indian Face Streetboard Team
Here I present to one of our new acquisitions. Sergi Nicolás. This Catalan, born in 1985 is our best bet for the Streetboard team (if...
Adri Felip Garcia, The Indian Face BMX TEAM
Here I present to you our new acquisition for the The Indian Face BMX Team. Adri Felip García, a Catalan from Molins de Rei who...