Gafas de Ciclismo ¿Cúando y por qué usarlas?


Cycling Glasses When and why use them?

Now that you have all your equipment and supplies to get on the bike, including your new cycling glasses, surely you are wondering… And now?

Cycling is an incredible sports discipline because it has a very wide variety of specialties to enjoy and compete on a bicycle. One of the qualities that all forms of cycling have in common, apart from the bike of course, is the undoubted spirit of adventure that all cyclists at heart carry when they are in action. This accompanied by a great physical and mental preparation.

In addition to all this, cycling and all its variants also have another important thing in common: they practice outdoors. And this suggests that they need maximum protection against the weather and solar radiation. Many professional cyclists say that it is impossible for them to ride their bikes without their cycling glasses or their downhill goggles, because without them, as well as the rest of their sports equipment, it would be impossible to reach the objectives.

What are cycling glasses?

The cycling glasses are the optical instrument specially designed so that your vision is not interrupted but improved when you ride a bicycle, since its objective is to guarantee a sharper vision of the surroundings and offer you the more suitable protection for the eyes.

As you may know, cycling sunglasses are often tinted, provide UV400 protection, and completely cover our eye area almost to the cheekbones. And it is that, when we practice cycling in any modality, cycling glasses are essential to protect us from solar radiation, excess light and annoying glare, dirt, dust, sweat, insects and others.

Gafas de ciclismo


If you practice this sport and you love cycling routes, it is always best to be more protected and have better visual agility with the best equipment and the best sports glasses.When we have the best protection and the best adventurous spirit there is nothing to stop us when we go out on a bike.

These are some of the best cycling routes in Spain where you can put your new cycling glasses into action!


Since it is a route mainly dedicated to pilgrimages, it is perhaps one of those cycling routes in Spain that causes the greatest attraction among devout Christians. There are different routes through which we can make the journey and very different ways of traveling it. For the most experienced adventurers, the route that is most complete is the "French Way". This is divided into 12 stages that go through several autonomous communities such as Navarra, La Rioja, Castilla y León and Galicia.


If you are a lover of Spanish literature, this route is for you! It covers the entire journey made by the Cid Campeador Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, a Castilian knight whose life took place during the second half of the 11th century. It was created with the aim of integrating the beauty of the landscape with the emotion of Spanish literature. The invincible figure of El Cid served as a motif for Christian narratives and deeds, originating poems and ballads from town to town. This is how the great epic poem of Spanish literature El Cantar de Mío Cid was born, in the second half of the 12th century or the beginning of the 13th, which narrates the exile of Rodrigo through Castilian, Aragonese and Levantine lands.A route full of history!


It is quite a long tour, although it is very exciting because it is surrounded by beautiful European landscapes. This route was originally designed to follow the same steps that the Carthaginian general Hannibal would have taken from Jaén, Spain, to Rome, Italy, to invade it without his army through the Alps during the Second Punic War.

Gafas de Ciclismo


An extraordinary journey of almost 800 km in length along the southern slopes of the Pyrenees, between the Mediterranean Sea and the Cantabrian Sea. The entire Pyrenees mountain range is covered. It is a demanding route so it will be necessary to be very well prepared for the journey. It is designed mainly for professionals or amateurs with very good physical resistance.


If what you want is to go for a bike ride with your family or as a couple, this route is the most ideal, easy and safe, and also the favorite of cyclists when they are in company. It maintains little traffic, its road is completely paved and it has an unparalleled natural charm.


A route of more than 2,000 kms very popular with professional cyclists and beginners where everyone starts where they want and completes the stages according to the kilometers they want to travel. And it is that the TransAndalus is a circular route that goes around Andalusia completely passing through all its provinces, so it does not have an established beginning and end.


It has more than 153 kilometers of route around very attractive and pleasant landscapes along the coastal area of ​​Andalusia and the Malaga region. The weather does not affect cycling on this route so it is great to follow it at any time of the year.

Gafas de ciclismo


How to choose cycling glasses?: Tips

  • The best glasses for cycling will always be those that meet the best quality standards endorsed by the EU. Look at the warranty stickers that have UV400 protection to protect you from the sun's ultraviolet rays.
  • Not all goggles for cycling are the same. Think about the route you are going to follow and how demanding the exercise is. It is better to choose the right glasses, with the right glass color and the right size for you every time.
  • Choose cycling goggles light and resistant materials that fit your face very well.
  • Look for glasses for cycling with interchangeable lenses so that it is more comfortable for you to change the lens you need if there is excess or lack of light.
  • Don't buy goggles cycling in flea markets. They will not protect you from anything and will also damage your eyesight.
  • Think about the time of day and the weather, goggles for cycling and the color of their lenses behave differently when exposed to different weather conditions.
  • Think about your eyes. Wearing glasses cycling is essential to prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, melanomas, and even take care of ocular cancer.

Gafas de ciclismo

Cycling is one of those sports that causes great passion in adventurers and is also an excellent way to strengthen body and mind. We feel fulfilled when we meet our objectives, and we always achieve that by taking the best direction along the way and protecting ourselves with the best quality products. Remember that wearing the best cycling glasses is in your hands, and now that you have the best protection there will be nothing to stop you on the road!