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For passionate about life, mountain and sport in general

Discover a world of adventure on the blog of The Indian Face. Immerse yourself in stories that inspire endless exploration, from epic mountain expeditions to the best outdoor sports tips. Find guides, destinations, trends, and everything you need to live every adventure to the fullest.BORNTOBEFREE

the indian face vision deporte nivel mental beneficios patry Jordan
Salud y Entrenamiento


Do you know all the benefits that sport brings us? Sport is the best recipe against any symptom, and it is medicine for both the...

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the indian face calentar entrenar antes del surf
Salud y Entrenamiento


Do you know the importance of warming up before surfing? Before our surf session it is necessary to prepare our body and mind, in this...

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Salud y Entrenamiento


Do you know the benefits of yoga for surfing? It may seem like two different worlds, but yoga is the perfect complement to surfing. Therefore,...

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the indian face beneficios surf
Salud y Entrenamiento


What is it about surfing that makes people happy? And it is that in addition to making people happy, surfing has another superpower: that of...

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férula descarga deporte the indian face
Salud y Entrenamiento


Dental health is directly connected to sports performance. We tell you why you have to start using a discharge splint. You will hallucinate with the...

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El poder de la meditación y mindfulness en el deporte
Leticia Montoya Salud y Entrenamiento

The power of meditation and mindfulness in sport

Anxiety, stress and lack of attention can be factors that affect our quality of life without even us realizing it. Sometimes we are here in...

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La importancia de la educación en valores a través del deporte
Leticia Montoya Salud y Entrenamiento

The importance of education in values ​​through sport

Practicing sports beyond conditioning ourselves on a physical level is also a great tool to strengthen and, if not establish, values ​​through teamwork as well...

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¿Cómo puede la mente aumentar el riesgo de lesiones?
Leticia Montoya Salud y Entrenamiento

How can the mind increase the risk of injury?

Sports injuries do not happen by chance. In fact, you are responsible for sports injuries. Does it seem strange to you? There is a silent...

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La influencia del público en el rendimiento deportivo
Leticia Montoya Salud y Entrenamiento

The influence of the public on sports performance

Have you ever wondered what an athlete must feel when he is booed or encouraged by the public? If we put ourselves in his situation,...

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La gestión emocional y su repercusión en nuestro bienestar y rendimiento deportivo
Leticia Montoya Salud y Entrenamiento

Emotional management and its impact on our well-being and sports performance

Sports and Emotional Intelligence? Combine both aspects and make your sports performance increasingly effective. In our article today, Leticia Montoya, sports psychologist, tells us what...

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Beneficios de hacer yoga lugares para hacer yoga
Salud y Entrenamiento

The benefits of yoga and the most incredible places to practice it!

Yoga is a practice that connects body and mind to achieve a vital balance in which you feel at peace with yourself and with those...

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Cómo empezar a correr
Salud y Entrenamiento

How to start running

Starting to run from scratch is always a great challenge and a difficult decision. You are probably wondering things like... How do I start running?...

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¡Entrena para el freeride! Mejor rendimiento físico para la temporada de esquí!
Salud y Entrenamiento

Train for the freerideBetter physical performance for the ski season!

Ready for the ski season? Do freeride It is demanding, there is no doubt about it! Both in the ascent and descent stages, the rider must...

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5 maneras de ejercitar tu cuerpo para la montaña
Salud y Entrenamiento

5 ways to exercise your body for the mountain

Be a better mountaineer with these 5 workouts! It's a must Training our body for the mountains Whether you're into mountaineering, trekking or hiking, follow...

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Salud y Entrenamiento

Improve your surf with 5 training

Remember that practice makes perfect, and so does exercise! Here is an excellent 5-step routine for you to keep in mind when training your body...

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Entrenamiento de brazos para escaladores
Salud y Entrenamiento

Arm training for climbers

If you follow this routine regularly (taking all precautions) it will help you get the climber's arms and back that you need so much.

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Ejercicios de Rutina física antes de irte a dormir
Salud y Entrenamiento

Physical routine exercises before going to sleep

No gym? No problem! If you haven't had time to exercise during the day, follow this simple routine at night before going to bed.

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Cómo evitar el Síndrome de Oficina
Salud y Entrenamiento

How to avoid office syndrome

The so -called office syndrome occurs after several hours sitting in front of a computer. It is possible that many people who are dedicated to...

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10 estiramientos musculares para iniciar tus rutinas de entrenamiento
Salud y Entrenamiento

10 muscle stretching to start your training routines

Here are 10 stretches you should not forget to do before starting your exercise routine. This will help you warm up your muscles before you...

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5 consejos para prevenir el cáncer ocular
Bazar y Entretenimiento Salud y Entrenamiento

5 tips to prevent ocular cancer

We present five tips that will help you prevent ocular cancer. It remains on our side to do everything possible to have excellent eye health...

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Las lesiones en el esquí y en el snowboard: siempre es bueno conocerlas
Salud y Entrenamiento

Ski and snowboard lesions: it is always good to know them

Ski and snowboard injuries: it is always good to meet them in the middle of ski season it is possible that you are still planning...

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Cómo estar en forma para esquiar este invierno
Salud y Entrenamiento

How to be in shape to ski this winter

Last week we published an article in which we shared advice for beginner skiers. Today we bring you a series of advisable practices to get...

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