Adventure & Free Soul Company


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For passionate about life, mountain and sport in general

Discover a world of adventure on the blog of The Indian Face. Immerse yourself in stories that inspire endless exploration, from epic mountain expeditions to the best outdoor sports tips. Find guides, destinations, trends, and everything you need to live every adventure to the fullest.BORNTOBEFREE

Formigal celebra su 50 aniversario este invierno
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Formigal celebrates its 50th anniversary this winter

Formigal's skiing station turns 50 this winter and are preparing a very special season for this year's visitors to enjoy a series of extras that...

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Baqueira Beret: emotivo vídeo de su 50 aniversario
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Baqueira Beret: emotional video of its 50th anniversary

The Baqueira Beret station presented its promotional video of its 50th anniversary, under the slogan "50 years of Baqueira Beret. Administration with you." The exact...

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Andalucía Bike Race del 22 al 27 de febrero de 2015
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Andalucía Bike Race from February 22 to 27, 2015

As we already anticipated in an article published on January 20, next Sunday, February 22, the fifth installment of the Andalucía Bike Race will begin,...

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European Freeski Open del 18 al 21 de marzo en Suiza
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European Freeski Open from March 18 to 21 in Switzerland

Next Wednesday, March 18, a new edition of the European Freeski Open will begin in the Swiss town of Laax, considered the mecca of skiing...

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Mira online el Redbull ‘Double Pipe’ Snowboarding Event en directo por la NBC
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Watch the Red Bull ‘Double Pipe’ Snowboard Event online live on NBC

Tomorrow, Saturday, March 14, you can watch the Redbull 'Double Pipe' Snowboarding Event live on NBC via this link, completely free of charge. The test...

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Yuki Kadono gana de manera espectacular el slopestyle de snowboard del Burton US Open
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Yuki Kadono wins the Burton US Open snowboarding slopestyle in spectacular fashion

You cannot miss this impressive video of the test that gave victory to the Japanese rider Yuki Kadono in the last Burton US Open, on...

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Día Internacional de la Felicidad: ¿te apuntas?
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International Day of Happiness: are you in?

Today March 20 is celebrating the International Day of Happiness. Surely you have already received a message through WhatsApp receiving congratulations of this nature. Well,...

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Mulafest 2015: el festival de las tendencias y la cultura urbana
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Mulafest 2015: the festival of trends and urban culture

In June of this year, the Mulafest, a festival of trends and urban culture, will be held in Madrid. Last year more than 30,000 people...

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Simple Session 2015 Finales de Skateboarding
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Simple Session 2015 Skateboarding Finals

Connect and do not miss, live, the finals of the fifteenth edition of Simple Session that will take place next Sunday, April 19. They will...

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the indian face us open 2022 grand slam
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Between August 29 and September 11, the last Grand Slam tournament of the year is held in New York: US Open 2022. Today we tell...

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vuelta a España ciclismo 2022 the indian face
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Next August 19 begins one of the sporting events of the year: the Vuelta a España 2022! It is celebrated until September 11 and we...

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Actualidad en el Mundo Actualidad The Indian Face


We bring news! We have joined the Reforest Project organization in order to fight for the care of our planet and leave a better world...

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BMX FISE Montpellier the indian face
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Between this Wednesday, May 25, and Sunday, May 29, the 25th edition of FISE Montpellier, the Extreme Sports Festival, will be held. It is organized...

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Estas son las iniciativas que pueden parar el calentamiento global
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These are the initiatives that can stop global warming

Hope is the last thing we can lose! This is demonstrated by various initiatives carried out by organizations, universities and visionary individuals who want to contribute to...

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Día mundial de los océanos
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World Ocean Day

Do you know about the importance of the oceans for our survival? The answer is simple: without them we could not exist. That is why...

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Running en tiempos de Covid ¿Posible?
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Running in Covid times possible ?

Now that we have “fewer” restrictions and we have been able to adapt better to certain situations of “new normality” and “reduced mobility”, we cannot...

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F*CK 2020 | The Indian Face
Actualidad en el Mundo Actualidad The Indian Face

F*CK 2020 | The Indian Face

Let's be honest with all our Indian Spirits, The Indian Face We also want this year to be over and over NOW... FUCK 2020! Now...

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Distribuidores y Mayoristas de óptica y complementos al por mayor
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Distributors and wholesaler and wholesale accessories

We launched our wholesale platform for distributors and wholesalers. We are wholesalers and suppliers of clothing, optics and accessories and we distribute our products in...

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Edurne Pasaban celebra el décimo aniversario de su conquista de los 14 ochomiles
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Edurne passed celebrated the tenth anniversary of their conquest of the 14 ochomiles

It's been 10 years since we heard on all the news how Edurne Pasaban She claimed an unparalleled historic triumph. In May 2010, the renowned...

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Michael Robinson: adiós a un grande de verdad
Actualidad en el Mundo Gente

Michael Robinson: Goodbye to a real great

A British man admired and recognised in Spain? It sounds difficult, but Michael Robinson made it possible, with a charisma and grace that captured the...

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Próximos Eventos en Formigal
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Next events in Formigal

If you are an adventurous spirit, even though you still need that last push to grab your equipment and head for the snow, we will...

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The Indian Face con el #AniridiaDay
Actualidad en el Mundo Actualidad The Indian Face

The Indian Face with #AniridiaDay

Today is the international day of "Aniridia", one of the thousands of diseases classified as "rare" that thousands of people in the world suffer from....

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Álvaro Fernández Fiúza: nuestro piragüista tres veces campeón del mundo de maratón
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Álvaro Fernández Fiúza: our three-time world marathon champion canoeist

Álvaro Fiúza was born in 1982 in Pontevedra. He is a canoeist and has been proclaimed three times world champion in the marathon modality. He...

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Queralt Castellet, sexta en los X Games de Aspen
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Queralt Castellet, sixth in the X Games of Aspen

After the success of Regino Hernández, being seventh classified in Snowboard's discipline of the X Games of Aspen 2015 we can inform you that we...

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