Con Gafas de Sol: Momentos obvios y no tan obvios para usar gafas de sol


With Sunglasses: Obvious and Not So Obvious Times to Wear Sunglasses

Watch out, adventure lovers! Are they wearing their sunglasses correctly?

Sometimes it can seem “obvious” to us when to wear or not wear sunglasses. And sometimes it also seems obvious to know at a glance which are the most suitable sunglasses for you. But believe it or not, in the battle between protection and fashion - when it comes to wearing sunglasses - most of the time fashion wins, and we completely forget about taking care of our eyes.

The truth is that the aesthetic part will not protect you from absolutely anything, that is why there are people -like the The Indian Face- that they do understand the difference and the importance of wearing good sunglasses, and have created the perfect combination between protection and style fused into unique sunglasses.

Why? It is important to understand that wearing sunglasses is essential for the well-being of all adventurers both in their day-to-day activities and when directly exposed to the sun's rays.

You know it very well, wearing sunglasses has already become part of our personality. It is as everyday as taking the car keys before leaving. The recommendation is always to stop for a moment and think about which ones are indicated for the activity that we are going to carry out. Are you ready to go with sunglasses?

Con Gafas de Sol


There are times when it may not be so obvious to wear sunglasses. The false belief that sunglasses are only worn on sunny summer days should end here. Start looking amazing with your sunglasses whenever you need them.

When should I wear my sunglasses?


Getting your sunglasses from the table by the door of your house is practically a routine. And if it isn't yet, well it should be! There is sun for everyone, every day, even on partially cloudy ones, because light does go through the clouds. Protecting ourselves from the sun and light should become a habit, your eyes will thank you!


Summer days cry out to spend the day at the beach or the pool. You're probably already used to wearing sunglasses on these occasions, but do you wear them when you're in the pool? Do you use it right when you get out of the sea or while you are on the shore? Surely you do not apply these customs, but they are important to consider. If you are in the pool or beach chatting or hanging out, think that the sun's rays are on you and you should go with sunglasses to protect yourself from it at all possible opportunities.


This may seem trivial. But don't think that riding in a car protects you 100% from the sun's rays. Also, if you drive cars with excessive light it can impede your vision, and your safety is the most important thing.

Thinking that you should wear sunglasses when driving your car, but keep in mind that not all of them are worth it. First of all, it is necessary that they be of quality and with a protection certificate, and secondly, think about the lenses of your glasses. When driving, choose glasses with clear lenses, and with shades that do not distort the colors of reality or traffic lights.


It is impossible to doubt the need to wear sunglasses when we practice outdoor sports. The weather, light, sweating and others should not be a nuisance when practicing sports, but rather a help to achieve our goals.

The protection provided by sports glasses nothing else gives them to you. When you are taking your life to the extreme or simply exercising your body, you don't think about anything other than achieving your goals. That's what it's all about! Choosing your sports sunglasses is as important as choosing the right clothing, footwear, and equipment to protect you and help you be a better athlete.


As we mentioned before, wearing sunglasses is NOT exclusive for summer days. The sun shines during the day all year, in greater or lesser intensity. Therefore, just like your wardrobe for each season, create a collection of sunglasses that fit your style in the most ideal way and, above all, the level of protection you need during the day in the activity you do. Sunglasses lovers know it very well, one pair is not enough!


Just like water and sand, snow is an important factor to consider when it comes to light. Snow also has reflective properties, even more than the rest because of its white color, so being in snowy places will require you to wear good sunglasses (or ski glasses if you practice snow sports).

Con Gafas de Sol

Why should I wear sunglasses?

  • Cover ourselves from solar radiation and ultraviolet rays
  • Reduce eye strain
  • Protect us from the weather and external aggressions
  • Take care of ourselves from an early age, children should also go wear sunglasses
  • Protect us from excess or lack of light.
  • Improve our vision and contrast of colors
  • Reduce dryness in your eyes

When should I wear Sunglasses?

Every time you get the chance to wear sunglasses, take advantage of wearing them. And it is that surely you already do it! But this time think twice. What are the best? Do you know how to choose well?

The consequences of not going with sunglasses in the long or short term will be extremely harmful and even permanent. But remember that this is not a reason to be overwhelmed, but rather a precaution. Going with sunglasses is useful but also fun!

Con Gafas de Sol

Do you know how to buy sunglasses? Explore the history of sunglasses in depth with us at this link, and the different options you find in the market so that you know which ones are worth it and which ones are not.

The choice of the best sunglasses is in your hands, because the advantages are endless! Feel free to choose the best for your style and protection.