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For passionate about life, mountain and sport in general

Discover a world of adventure on the blog of The Indian Face. Immerse yourself in stories that inspire endless exploration, from epic mountain expeditions to the best outdoor sports tips. Find guides, destinations, trends, and everything you need to live every adventure to the fullest.BORNTOBEFREE

RecMountain: los reporteros del esquí y la montaña

RecMountain: ski and mountain reporters

Alberto Pantoja Dorda, Álvaro Pantoja Dorda and Luis Pantoja Trigueros make up the RecMountain team. Mountaineering technician, senior image technician and snow-meteorology specialist respectively.

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Jan Farrell, el esquiador más veloz del mundo

Jan Farrell, the fastest skier in the world

It is capable of accelerating from 0 to 120 km/h in just four seconds with the only help of skis and slopes of more than...

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Yuki Kadono: la esperanza japonesa del snowboard

Yuki Kadono: the Japanese hope of snowboarding

The Japanese rider Yuki Kadono began his journey in the world of snowboarding when he was only 8 years old and under the close supervision...

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Russel Henshaw: el talentoso e imparable esquiador australiano

Russel Henshaw: the talented and unstoppable Australian skier

Australia is by no means a home to world-class skiers, but Russell Henshaw is certainly an exception in this case. Russell was born in Sydney...

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Chuck Patterson, el surfero de los esquís

Chuck Patterson, the Surfer of the Esquís

Did you know Chuck Patterson ? more famous like the one who surfs with skis, it is worth seeing in action. It is actually a...

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María Hidalgo, una prometedora trayectoria en snowboarding

María Hidalgo, a promising trajectory in snowboarding

A new School of Spanish Riders María Hidalgo represents the new Riders School that is emerging in Spain. He is only 18 years old and...

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Wes Kremer, nombrado mejor skater del 2014

Wes Kremer, named Best Skater of 2014

Wes Kremer, named Best Skater in 2014 The Thraser magazine has rewarded as “Best Skater in 2014” to Wes Cremer, sk8Mafia or DC Skater, for...

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Elias Ambühl puede explotar en 2015

Elias Ambühl can explode in 2015

Elias Ambühl, born on March 26, 1992, is a Swiss Freestyle skier. He has competed in the Slopestyle category in the 2013 Freestyle World Ski...

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Adrián Otero: el skater gallego que construyó la primera rampa de piedra
Arte y Cultura Gente

Adrián Otero: The Galician skater that built the first stone ramp

Adrián Otero: The Galician skater that built the first stone ramp Adrián Otero is a Galician by birth and quarry and sculpture professor of profession....

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Sergi Arenas, diseñador y creador de skateparks

Sergi Arenas, designer and creator of skateparks

The Catalan Sergi Arenas is the skate designer Park located on the beach of Barcelona. In this video he explains how he was inspired and...

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Brian Gaberman: el fotógrafo del skate

Brian Gaberman: Skate's photographer

Brian Gaberman is a very recognized journalist and with a very good reputation in the United States. He was recently visiting Barcelona since he has...

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Jorge Egocheaga, el héroe de los 14 ochomiles

Jorge Egocheaga, the hero of the 14 ochomiles

Alpinist and doctor, original of Asturias, has 14 ochomiles in his record. In May of this year he crowned the Kangchenjunga, the last top above...

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Kilian Jornet, subir y bajar el Everest en 24 horas

Kilian Jornet, go up and down Everest in 24 hours

We do not know if it is a super hero, but it has exceptional qualities. Kilian Jornet, (1987, Sabadell) is an extreme mountaineer and athlete...

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Tom Ritchey, leyenda viviente del Mountain Bike

Tom Ritchey, living legend of the Mountain Bike

Tom Ritchey, designer, creator, bicycle builder and Creator of Ritchey Logic, component and bicycle box brand, is a living legend in the universe of the...

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Todo sobre el campeón del mundo Kelly Slater

All about the world champion Kelly Slater

All about the world champion Kelly Slater Kelly Slater is considered the best surfer in the winning world 11 times from the surf world championship,...

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Jesús Calleja: una vida dedicada a la aventura

Jesús Calleja: A life dedicated to adventure

If the adventure and challenge had their own name, that name would be Jesús Calleja. Explorer, adventurer, mountaineer and communicator, the famous Leonese Jesús Calleja...

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Andy Irons, una leyenda que nunca olvidaremos

Andy Irons, a legend that we will never forget

Andy Irons, a legend that we will never forget to talk about Andy Irons is to talk about one of the most important figures left...

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Clark Little, fotografiando olas

Clark Little, photographing waves

Clark Little, photographing waves can you capture the beauty of a ? wave or better, can you capture the beauty of a wave from its...

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Tony Hawk, una leyenda del skateboard

Tony Hawk, a skateboard legend

Tony Hawk, a skateboard legend What Skateboard lover does not know the name of Tony Hawk ? Tony Hawk does not need a presentation, since...

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Gisela Pulido, la mejor kitesurfer

Pulido Gisela, The Best Kitesurfer

The young Pulido Gisela, only 20 years old, has become a recent heroine of the Kitesurf, and will undoubtedly be for many years a living...

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Carlos Soria, primer alpinista con 75 años en subir 8.500 metros

Carlos Soria, first mountaineer with 75 years to rise 8,500 meters

Who says that mountaineering is only for young people ? Carlos Soria has shown that this statement is false, since at 75 he has managed...

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Queralt Castellet, nuestra mejor promesa para los Juegos Olímpicos de Sochi

Queralt Castellet, our best promise for Sochi Olympic Games

To say that the Snowboarder Queralt Castellet (Sabadell 1989) is the only Spanish representative in Snowboard at the Sochi Olympic Games (Russia)

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Alvaro Fiúza. Nuestro piragüista 3 veces campeón del mundo.

Alvaro Fiúza. Our canoeist 3 times world champion.

I have the honor and great pleasure of introducing you to Alvaro Fiúza, ( our new signing for the “The Indian Face TEAM“. Our canoeist,...

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Coco Ho. Born for surf

Coco Ho (Hawaii, 1991) is a professional surfer of those that seem to be born to surf. It takes it in genes, you can only...

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