Adventure & Free Soul Company


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For passionate about life, mountain and sport in general

Discover a world of adventure on the blog of The Indian Face. Immerse yourself in stories that inspire endless exploration, from epic mountain expeditions to the best outdoor sports tips. Find guides, destinations, trends, and everything you need to live every adventure to the fullest.BORNTOBEFREE

Edurne Pasaban, breve biografía de la reina de los ochomiles

Edurne passed, brief biography of the queen of the eightomiles

Edurne passed, brief biography of the queen of the Ochomiles Edurne passed is a Tolosarra born on August 1, 1973, elite mountaineer, will be remembered...

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¡Las mejores olas de Lucía Martiño!

The best waves of Lucía Martiño!

The impeccable career of our new ambassador has left us completely amazed! Wave after wave after wave, Lucía Martiño surprises us more and more with...

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¡Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Lucía Martiño!

Everything you need to know about Lucia Martiño!

For all these reasons, Lucía Martiño is a clear #IndianSpirit and we could say that she was born to surf (among many other things). Did...

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Davide Morana

Davide Morana

Davide Morana is an athlete whose overcoming story has inspired a whole generation of athletes and non -athletes. At age 24, the young Italian was...

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Desirée Vila

Desirée Vila

Desirée Vila is a young Spanish athlete who has gone from being a gymnast to becoming a nationally and internationally recognised athlete, especially for her...

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Alex Txikon, breve biografía de un explorador

Alex Txikon, brief biography of an explorer

Discover the history of Alex Txikon, one of the best mountaineers in Spain and one of the most prepared explorers in the world. Join us...

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Miguel Induráin Larraya, el ciclista más crack de España

Miguel Induráin Larraya, the most crack cyclist in Spain

There's nothing better than going down in history as the greatest player in the sport you're passionate about! Learn a little more about the life and...

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Biografía de Juan Menéndez Granados

Biography of Juan Menéndez Granados

Juan Menéndez Granados has proven to be an inspiration in sports and personal improvement. From being humble enough to accept that he was afraid, to...

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10 Leyendas del Deporte

10 sports legends

We've rounded up some of the most significant and memorable sports legends in the world. Keep reading to find out more about their great stories!

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Kilian Jornet Burgada: Biografía de un superhombre

Kilian Jornet Burgado: Biography of a Superman

Kilian Jornet has become a legend of mountaineering in recent years. His ambition, sports skill and history of overcoming have made him the best mountain...

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Carlos Sainz Cenamor: Premio Princesa de Asturias 2020

Carlos Sainz Cenamor: Princess Award 2020

At 58 years of age, the two-time World Rally Champion, Carlos Sainz Cenamor, has recently been awarded the title of Best WRC Driver and they...

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Las 10 skaters mas guapas y con mas talento de Instagram

The 10 most beautiful skaters and with more Instagram talent

Female skaters have increasingly joined the professional skateboarding scene due to their great talent and skill. Since its beginnings in California (USA) in the 60's,...

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10 cosa que no sabes sobre Ariana Grande 2020

10 Thing you don't know about Ariana Grande 2020

At 26 years of age, Ariana Grande has become one of the most recognized American musical performers internationally. This beautiful girl, originally from Boca Mouse...

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Edurne Pasaban celebra el décimo aniversario de su conquista de los 14 ochomiles
Actualidad en el Mundo Gente

Edurne passed celebrated the tenth anniversary of their conquest of the 14 ochomiles

It's been 10 years since we heard on all the news how Edurne Pasaban She claimed an unparalleled historic triumph. In May 2010, the renowned...

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Selena Gómez 2020: 10 Cosas que probablemente no sabías de Selena

Selena Gómez 2020: 10 things you probably didn't know about Selena

His talent and fame have led us to follow his career closely, but you may have missed these curious facts about him. Selena Gomez 2020...

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Michael Robinson: adiós a un grande de verdad
Actualidad en el Mundo Gente

Michael Robinson: Goodbye to a real great

A British man admired and recognised in Spain? It sounds difficult, but Michael Robinson made it possible, with a charisma and grace that captured the...

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Entrevistamos a Samira, de MHYV

We interview Samira, from Myhyv

In The Indian Face We like to see how people enjoy life and in this case, we have approached to meet Samira Salomé, currently collaborator...

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Kolohe Andino: uno de los surferos más fotografiados y seguidos

Kolohe Andino: one of the most photographed and followed surfers

Like father, like son: Kolohe Andino's father is Dino Andino himself, ASP WCT surfer. With such an origin and bearing in mind where he grew...

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Con Danny McAskill desde Los Alpes hasta el Adriático

With Danny Macaskill from the Alps to the Adriatic

With Danny Maskill from the Alps to the Adriatic this is Danny Mcast. A street trial talent, professional rider and runner from Inspired Cycles. At...

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Melania Suárez: la jovencísima promesa del Surf femenino español

Melania Suárez: the very young promise of Spanish female surfing

Don't ask him for some WCT level spins yet. Maybe it's a little early. It's normal, being so young. The truth is that she is...

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Toni Medina: el skater híbrido street y freestyle

Toni Medina: the hybrid street and freestyle skater

Toni Medina is a 26-year-old skateboarder from Blanes, a town located on the Costa Brava, and has been skating since he was nine years old....

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Kevin Pearce: el superviviente del snowboard

Kevin Pearce: The Snowboarding Survivor

After an accident in which he had to be induced into a coma, Kevin Pearce set out on a new mission in life. Today we...

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Lucas Eguibar, campeón del mundo de snow en modalidad bordercross

Lucas Eguibar, snow world champion in bordercross mode

Lucas Eguibar, a 21-year-old Spanish rider (Guipúzcoa) who we already talked about in an article on this blog a couple of months ago, is already...

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Shaun White, uno de los mejores snowboarders del mundo

Shaun White, one of the best snowboarders in the world

Shaun Roger White, known on the international snowboarding scene as Shaun White, was born on September 3, 1986 in Carlsbad (San Diego), California. He is...

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