El Esquí Nórdico se está poniendo de moda


Nordic Skiing is becoming fashionable

Muscle tension is moderately low, a good number of muscles are exercised, and it has enormous benefits for the heart and circulatory system

Nordic skiing is a discipline within skiing that is attracting more and more people who are encouraged to practice it. This year, the geographical area where its consolidation is most noticeable is the Catalan Pyrenees. In Spain, you can practice Nordic skiing in 12 ski stations; Some of them have circuits specifically designed for this modality.

Large crowds are avoided on tracks full of people, natural landscapes with pleasant views are explored and, in addition, each group sets its own pace

One of the characteristics of this discipline that is allowing its diffusion and adoption is its universal character: it can be practiced from the age of four up to the age of sixty without any danger, although it is advisable to start Nordic skiing hand in hand of professional monitors that guarantee a correct learning process in order to progress well later. The geographical area where its consolidation is most noticeable is the Catalan Pyrenees

Nordic skiing differs from the rest of the modalities for its light skis and for moving on flat or slightly sloped surfaces. It is usually practiced in closed circuits and drawn up in advance.

Practicing Nordic skiing is enjoyed in a different way because large crowds are avoided on slopes full of people, natural landscapes with pleasant views are covered and, in addition, each group sets the pace of movement as best they see fit see fit.

The main advantage of this discipline, added to its universal nature in terms of ages, is that it is a very complete sport: muscle tension is moderately low, a good number of of muscles and has enormous benefits for the heart and circulatory system. Nordic skiing can be practiced from the age of four to the age of sixty

We know that extreme sports and releasing adrenaline are your thing, but if you ever think of organizing a family excursion through snowy landscapes... it may be a good option to plan a route practicing Nordic skiing.