Claves para escoger las gafas de sol perfectas para regalar


Keys to choosing the perfect sunglasses to give away

At Christmas we all want to find the perfect gift, and many times it is not easy. That's why at The Indian Face we want to help you by giving you the keys to choose the perfect glasses depending on your features, so that when you give them to that special person (or to yourself) they'll be amazed.

Keys to choose the perfect sunglasses

First you have to take into account the different shapes that the face can have:

  • Round: What will suit you best are glasses that have marked straight lines, or angular geometric shapes.

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  • Rectangular: If your jaws are one of the most characteristic features on your face, we should try to soften them. The easiest way to do this is through round glasses.
Keira Knigltlhy Gafas de Sol
  • From the heart: If your face is wider at the top and narrowing, you should look for a fusion of the two previous models, that is, shapes that are straighter at the top and that become rounder.

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  • Oval: If this is your case, you are in luck because you have one of the faces in which sunglasses have the most versatility, so you only have to pay attention to which colors you prefer.
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You have already seen a small sample of some of the options that you can choose, but we have many more, if you want to know them visit our website.