Surfeando olas de 10 metros en California y grabado con drones


Surfing 10 meter waves in California and filmed with drones

Surfing 10 meter waves in California and filmed with drones

Last Saturday, December 20, 2014, an episode of gravitational waves took place, what is known as a “swell”, on the coast of California. These types of waves, which do not originate from local wind gusts, are impressive and can reach significant heights.

In this video that we want to show you, we see how, with a team of drones equipped with cameras, some surfers record their adventures on waves of more than 10 meters.

Not long ago we talked about the revolution that the use of GoPro cameras has brought to the world of audiovisual creation. But the drone phenomenon is not being for less. Look, for example, at his application in the world of surfing, look. By the way, the music that accompanies the images seemed like an excellent decision by the creators: